All the content available is on our site is our property, no one getsany right to copyright or regenerate/reproduce this content. If you any queriesto ask about it you can contact us. We can’t learn and follow all the rules andregulations of copyrights of each country we have follow the Digital MillenniumCopyright act of UAE as for general guidelines. Following are our instructionswhich are provided what to do when you face such issue.
All the material available on our site is generated and published by our team members. We own the rights for this material. We use different sources to confirm and verify the content.
If you find any query that your content is reproduced or regenerated on our site you are free to guide us about this misfortunate situation.
If your content is used on any of our pages you can guide us about the relevant page to help you in solving the issue.
If you find that any content or information is used from your site without informing you, you have to guide us properly about it like if you said this contact information then specify it correctly.
If you claim us with copyright charges, you need to provide us the authentic proof as if the content copy from your website. Show us the URL, or from a book or in case of online availability of book show it to us too.
We need proper justification if you claim copy-right charges on us to remove our content from our site.
If any copyright issue merges, our team will look forward to the claim.
When you claim for copyright issues, the authentic proof is a must, otherwise, your claim will not be considered genuine.
If any complaint is made about our content, we do a proper investigation from our side and then action will be performed according to the situation.
As when an investigation is conducted from our side, time will be taken for such situations to procced do cooperation will be required from your side.
If any copyright violation occurs, you firstly contact with us to clear your any doubt.
In case of any issue as mentioned above, we
remove our content temporarily and then we discuss with the claimer what to do
in the future as with regards above instructions.